Raise Awareness:
At Your School
Education is prevention
Our school awareness programs help students and educators at all grade levels learn and understand the risk factors and warning signs of human trafficking.

This program is FREE to schools*
COMPREHENSION: Student education through a live/virtual Human Trafficking 101 Presentation
LIVED EXPERIENCE: Hearing directly from a survivor of human trafficking who has lived experience (presentations do not contain any graphic descriptions of the trauma experienced) - survivors will share the ways traffickers exploited their vulnerabilities and show how empowered they are today by being able to prevent others from experiencing trafficking. Grants are available to cover survivor honorarium.
To complete steps 1 & 2 - request your speakers HERE
EDUCATION: through lesson plans which conform to NJ Student Learning Standards. Given by health/PE teachers or other class teacher.
To use our Lesson Plans - go HERE
ACTION through the LOCKER SLAM 2.0 (virtual edition) program
See below for information on Locker Slam.
RESPONSE where students are empowered to respond to all they have learned by undertaking their own project. One example could be the NJCAHT DESIGN A STICKER contest or a fundraising activity.
If you implement the CLEAR program in your school, you will receive recognition at the NJCAHT's Annual Meeting at Kean University's Human Rights Institute in June and a $100 gift card.
To work with the NJCAHT on Step 5 please contact EDUCATION@SAFERNJ.ORG
*With the use of an NJCAHT grant to cover the survivor honorarium via simple application form.
Survivor Inclusivity in Prevention Education
For effective prevention education, students need to be involved in their own learning. The New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking's CLEAR program is survivor inclusive. Having a person with lived experience share their expertise with students is critical, and will inspire students to take action. For more information about the 5 STEPS please contact Education@SaferNJ.org
Lesson Plan Website
Free Lesson Plans for Health & PE Teachers (6th-12th Grade) to help meet current NJ Learning Standards on Human Trafficking.

Locker Slam! is a tool schools can utilize as part of the NJCAHT's CLEAR Program.
Locker Slam! invites students in schools across New Jersey to lead and engage in conversations about human trafficking, from ways to prevent trafficking, supporting survivors, and prioritize the health and safety of every student in the state and beyond.
Over the years we've changed how students engaged in this conversation, going from magnets for lockers, to social media "stickers". Student take ACTION by picking a day, week or month, to share messages and start conversations about human trafficking, using the hashtag #StudentsForFreedom. Sharable materials can be found on our Locker Slam! Digital Toolkit, or students can share our PSAs FOUND HERE.
If you would like to learn more and receive a LOCKER SLAM! DIGITAL TOOLKIT as part of the CLEAR Program, please email Education@SaferNJ.org
Examples of past work:
Students fully engage with a subject when they are empowered to develop their own projects and ideas.
The NJCAHT wants to hear from your school about the ideas you have to allow students to develop their own awareness campaigns.
If you hold a contest to design a sticker, work with the NJCAHT and we'll help by funding the printing of the winning design.
If your students want to raise funds to help survivors of human trafficking, they can learn more about our Survivor Assistance Fund HERE.
Whatever RESPONSE you implement, any school or class that completes the 5-Step CLEAR Program and completes an evaluation will be recognized at the NJCAHT Annual Meeting and receive a gift card for $100.
Guidelines for Schools
Following legislation that the NJCAHT advocated for, the NJ Department of Education in conjunction with the NJ Department of Children and Families and the Office of the Attorney General, and with the input of many stakeholders, has published the Guidelines for Schools on the Prevention of Human Trafficking of Students.
Read the press release HERE
Other Resources
Access NJCAHT’s resources on how to talk about human trafficking with students.